Backyard Chickens: Start Preparing Now for Spring Chicks
This was a somewhat person piece written for Portland Mom Collective about my newly-found passion for chicken-keeping. During the early stages of COVID, we brought in some baby chicks, and I wouldn’t be surprised to see the cycle repeat itself (not in our house, but others!) this spring. As I made some mistakes in the process, I thought I’d share our experience!
“Indeed, the Portland backyard chicken scene experienced a boom last year. Chickens are simple pets, relatively easy to take care of, and they happen to be hilarious. They pack a lot of personality into those wacky faces, and, for whatever reason, I find it soothing to watch them just wander around being… well, chickens.
Chicken stewardship had been on my radar for years before jumping on the bandwagon. I regularly proposed the idea to my husband, but, having grown up with hens himself, he was always less than enthusiastic. Fortunately, quarantine + kid enthusiasm + a burning need to have something joyful to focus on = weakened resolve, and he eventually agreed. That said, we did a lot of research prior to jumping in, so the decision was not one made without a solid foundation.”
Read the full post on Portland Mom Collective: