5 Pandemic Body Care Experiments :: Take Advantage of Quarantine to Get Kinda Funky
This piece originally appeared on Portland Mom Collective and was picked up for republication on City Mom Collective.
“I’ve never been one for beauty regimens or fancy clothes, so the leap to 24/7 athleisurewear and mom-buns caused by quarantine has not been much of a challenge. No make-up? No problem. I don’t own any, anyway.
That said, the thought occurred to me that this is the perfect opportunity to really take this pandemic thing to the next level by testing out some of the more intense body care experiments out there. What do I mean? Well, there is a handful of personal hygiene and lifestyle choices that can have short-term, off-putting consequences for a few days (weeks?) if attempted any year B.P.E (Before the Pandemic Era). The good news is that there really is no time like the present to get a little funky. Side effects such as body odor, greasy hair, and other misfortunes are just not a factor if the only places you go are to your backyard or a different room in your house. My kids and husband have to love me, no matter how bad I smell, right?”
Read the full post on Portland Mom Collective
>> https://portland.momcollective.com/diy-lifestyle/5-pandemic-body-care/