Closing the Gender Pain Gap: Your Gynecologist Has Pain Control Options
Research on pain during gynecologic procedures shows that many patients either grit their teeth (assuming their pain is normal), or they avoid seeking care altogether. However, there are many ways your gynecologist can help.
Rethinking Drinking: Alcohol and Women’s Health
At the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, alcohol consumption among women rose 19%, and they experienced 29% more alcohol-related complications. While those numbers have improved since 2020, women still are at higher risk of complications from alcohol than men.
Is the Pandemic Making My Hair Fall Out?
Hair loss in women is surprisingly common, and it appears to be on the rise. With more people experiencing hair loss since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, some have wondered if the virus is to blame. To answer that question, and to learn more about how hair loss may look different in women, we spoke with Dr. Noelle Teske, a dermatologist at OHSU.
All About Speculums: Finding What Works for You
If you have had a pelvic exam, you have most likely encountered a vaginal speculum. Health care providers use speculums to look inside the vagina and see the cervix. It is an important tool to check for abnormal growths, take samples (such as for a Pap smear) and perform surgery. Speculums come in different sizes, styles and colors. Some have lights, some have wings.
Web Content
The Center for Women's Health website had not had a full refresh in nearly a decade, with many outdated pagesout. I completed an audit, established a new navigation menu, and worked to improve SEO optimization and performance. I also held photoshoots to fill the women's health pages with images that better reflect OHSU's branding and style.
Health literacy Reviews
After an on-the-job crash course in health literacy, I obtained my official Health Literacy Specialist certification in 2023. Health literacy is about more than words; it is also about design decisions such as using icons to improve skimming, "chunking" content to limit the cognitive load, and leaving plenty of white space to give the eyes (and brain!) a rest. I completed hundreds of health literacy reviews/updates in my time at OHSU.
Event marketing
The Pacific Northwest Update in Obstetrics and Gynecology embraced a digital-forward approach, cutting costs and driving attendance.